Feedback Strategies


Feedback Strategies

The Difference Between Praise and Feedback

 In this article, we learn about the difference between praise and feedback and its consequences. Popular psychological research warns about the power of praise and how it can affect a child in a negative way, this unconditional parenting could cause the child to be unmotivated to learn, achieve and could result in a fixed mindset.

It is advised to praise children for the effort they put into things instead of telling them that they're smart or really good at something. This is called' process praise'.

By implementing this way of parenting we teach the child to believe that they can get better by doing work and putting in the effort, this results in a 'growth mindset'.

Preschoolers and Praise: What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow

Preschool children are in the early stages of figuring out who they are and what they're capable of doing, the language used by the parents and teachers during this time could really influence their mindset in the future. 

Many children think of intelligence as something that you're born with rather than something that you can grow, that's what we called a fixed mindset, what we should aim to teach our kids is to 'struggle until they get it' and motivate them to work hard, that way they can grow up with a 'growth mindset'.


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