Game Fun


In the first reading, we learn about gamification design and can you have fun while designing games. The image above is the visualization of the gamification design process by Andrzej Marczewski.

Andrzej says 'Fun is a byproduct of a good design. It is also not essential for a good gamified system'. Fun can only be the desired outcome and not a 'building block' in the design itself. The definition of fun in the context of games and gamification is defined as 'pleasurable engagement'

Link to the first reading:

Gamification Design

The second paper is an academic piece, which is called 'Putting the fun factor into gaming: The influence of social contexts on experiences of playing videogames'. This study examines the influence of social processes in gameplay and different gaming contexts on the experience of individual and group flow when engaged in the activity.

Flow is characterized as the positive subjective state an individual experiences when he/she is undertaking an enjoyable activity in which his/her capabilities match the level of challenge required.

Playing video games is often seen as a solo and socially isolating activity, but it is becoming more of a social activity which facilitates online and offline interactions amongst existing and new friends.

The study found that the enjoyment of gaming is further enhanced in social gaming contexts.

Link to the second reading:

Fun Factor In Gaming

The last video covers the theory of fun for game design, it is based on a book written by Raph Koster which is a study of games. This video examines Raph's core theory of how fun is about learning and providing a system for players to engage indefinitely, training them on a variety of cognitive and dexterous domains.

Link to video:

A Theory Of Fun For Game Design


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