My Thoughts On The Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

  • have you heard of Carol Dweck and/or the growth mindset before? how did you learn about it?

I have never heard of Carol Dweck but I have heard of the growth mindset in articles I read previously.

   how do you see yourself on the spectrum of growth-fixed mindset in your schoolwork?

I believe I have a growth mindset as I believe my talents and knowledge can be developed through hard work and effort.

  • do you think you’ll be interested in learning more about the growth mindset this semester?

I am interested in learning more about the growth mindset and will try to implement it into this semester as much as I can.

 do you have any personal learning goals for this semester?

I would like to be more focused on college work this semester and work on improving in many of the modules.


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