Week 9: Reading And Writing

Looking back at all the work I have done so far for this module, I thought the reading tasks would be much harder when I first found out about them, but each week as I read all the papers I found them to be quite informative and writing a blog about each reading task became easier as time passed. At first, the biggest difficulty I had was figuring out how to summarize each reading and what information would be most important to include in my blog, but with time I found that easier to do. 

The writing assignments are not too bad for me but I find that sometimes it can be hard to write a blog after doing each task as some take me a few hours and once I'm done with the task I find myself to be tired and dreading to have to write a blog after, I have disciplined myself to write a blog each time.

My favourite reading so far has been about the growth mindset as its something that I think is useful to learn, especially students. It was a good way to start the module by trying to implement the right mindset for the semester. I have heard of the growth mindset before but I did learn a lot more about it thanks to the reading.

The notes have been helpful while designing my game as I feel they helped me go into the project with a lot more knowledge than I would have had if I didn't write them. I also learned a lot about the process of designing games in general and how much work has to go into that.

So far I am really happy with my game project, I was a bit worried that I'd have a lot of difficulties while designing my game but the internet and unity tutorials have been very helpful, I can usually find a solution to any problem I have quite easily. I was very excited when I finally got to start designing my own game and I found that designing a game on my own taught me a lot more than the unity tutorials as I had to figure everything out on my own.

My biggest accomplishment for this class was learning how to discipline myself and staying on top of all the tasks that are due each week, also designing my own game is a big accomplishment because I never thought id be able to do anything like that and I'm happy I got the opportunity.

This is my favourite image so far from this semester, I took this screenshot while I was designing my game. It makes me realize how far I've gotten and how much I learned in just 9 weeks, especially with the fact that we have to do college from home.

Looking forward, I'm mostly excited to see how my game is going to look and work once I'm finished designing it. Hopefully there will be less workload in the upcoming tasks as we are getting close to Christmas and getting a lot more assignments and projects.

Other than that I'm finding the module really enjoyable and interesting.


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